Jumat, 11 Maret 2016


Created by 
Ahmad Fathoni

My name is Kesya Maharani. An amateur photographer  who spend all of my time just for taking so many pictures. Photography is my life. With this hobby, I find happiness, sadness, an amazing moment, etc. I also learn everything from this hobby. Maybe, many people “menganggap rendah” this hobby. Because, they just look this hobby as superficial. We have to use our feelings to get an amazing moment. Every photos that was taken have their own story. They explain everything without any words. I love this activity so much.
Sunday morning, adzan calls me to pray “Subuh”. How blessed morning. I take my towel and take a bath. Many birds are singing beautifully this morning. Thanks God, what a beutiful morning.
As always, I do my routinity. Yeah, taking many moments that will be explain so many memories. I hope, I will take happiness moments today. Just take my camera and go to sunmor (a market that only open on Sunday morning).
Tahu bakso, Tahu baksooo, it’s only two thousand rupiahs. Lets buy. It’s so delicious”, a little girl sells her trade. She looks happy. Like there is no problem with her. Yeah, this day will be start with taking a happiness moment.
“Hey, a little girl. I wanna two. How much?”, I buy her tahu bakso.
“It’s only four thousand rupiahs. I think you have not breakfast yet. Lets buy more, and i will give you discount”, she said with a beautiful smile on her lip.

“Oke, I will buy five, sweet girl.”
“Waaw, thank you so much. Trust me, you will be addicted  with my tahu bakso.”
“Yeah, I trust you. Anyway, what is your name?”
“My name is Kesya.”
“Really. It’s my name, too. What a beautiful name, right?”
“Absolutely Yes”, and then we are laughing together.
I wanna talk with her more. I think, she is smart and tricky. She said that she will talk with me a lot if I buy all of her trade. She tells me how hard their life. She lives with her mom and little sister. Her mom is a tahu bakso seller too. They produce their product by theirself.
“Where is your dad, lil girl?”, Maybe i ask wrong question.
“Don’t know”, her face change to be sad. There is no smile on her lip.
“ohh, i am sorry girl.”
“Oke, forget it. Lets we sell this tahu bakso together.”
“No, you said that you will buy all of this.”
“Hmm, oke okeee. I will.”
“Thank you so much. May Allah will always blesses you.”
“Girl, anyway i wanna know. What is your dream?”
“I wanna be a good doctor for my mom. I don’t wanna know my mom feeling sick.”
“What an amazing dream, girl. I hope you can reach your dream. Be a great doctor, girl. Not only for your mom but also for all of people in this world.”
“Absolutely yes.”

Today, my hope that want to take happiness comes true. I took a beautiful smile of little girl. I also get an amazing experience with a little girl. I do learn how to survive in this world with happiness. No more sad but more happy. And be brave to have a dream. Dont be afraid. Just dream everything that you want. 

4 komentar:

  1. Short, simple and solid, but the feelings are overflowing. Great job!

  2. Love it! Thank you for making me "ngidam" tahu bakso! 😂

  3. love it!! I wait your next story
