Rabu, 02 November 2011

Among Rush Hour of Paper!!!

Tonight…This moment…I cannot be relax and should stay in my room then suppose to finish my paper which must be submitted tomorrow!!! Everything is just like supports me to do it. The weather seems like so friendly, the time is definitely correct (No meeting today) JJJ, and of course I have just bought a book to support my theories in the paper. Uhmm, wait...By the way I’m hungry. I remember that I was having lunch with my friends in blue box, Vita, Faisal and Sigit at 12.00 am this afternoon, so I need energy. However, when I came to my friend’s room in order to let him dinner, he said something that makes me can’t stop thinking until now! Woow…wooow…woow…What’s that? It’s just simple words, but full of meaning…AFTER THE RAIN. It makes me wonder and encourage me to share in this blog.

It is true that the condition in that time is after the rain. The rain drops so heavy this afternoon. Then, why do these words or maybe this sentence could be very special for me? And why do these words could be special for him, even he makes these words as his last name in facebook? We talk each other and actually the answer is just simple. Some people sometimes hate the rain. They think that rain prevents their activity. They angry, even they mock the rain when God drops rain for us.
It is OK if you hate the rain. It makes you wet, it makes your mood turns bad, or maybe it makes you missed your class…Ooopss, I think the last reason makes you happy LOL. Hell!! Wait a moment!! You know what? Other people like farmer really need the rain for watering their field. Rain is also the main producer of water, and for someone who has just experienced fail in love, they must like the rain because rain can hide or maybe wash away your tears…Uhuuuyyyyy... J. Now, give me enough reasons why should we hate the rain!
Beside the advantage of the rain itself, the beauty still can be found after it. Let’s go back to our main discussion. There are so many beautiful things AFTER THE RAIN.
1.      A bright blue sky,
2.      Birds’ voice to celebrate the new world,
3.      New atmosphere,
4.      The wet smell that brings us to the new hopes,
5.      And don’t forget that beautiful creature called “Rainbow” appears AFTER THE RAIN.
Yup, maybe those reasons that make my friend, even I become inspired by the words AFTER THE RAIN, because behind the heavy rain, it has so many mystery that is the beauty AFTER THE RAIN…J...Now! Let’s finish the paper….!!!

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