Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Tugas Scientific Writing CLT

Kunthi Talibrata                   (09004498)                                       Scientific Writing/P
Patria Handung Jaya           (09004503)


What is Communicative Language Teaching?
            We already realized that there are so many methods for teaching English. However, most of them are still centered to the teacher. It doesn’t give benefit for the students because they become passive learners. In 1960, a new method called Communicative Language Teaching was revealed. The origins of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) are to be found in the change in the British language teaching tradition dating (Richards 2001: 153). Some experts believe that this is the best method for teaching English, because CLT means little more than an integration of grammatical and functional teaching (Richards 2001: 155). It means that CLT not only focuses on grammatical uses and how teacher lecturing, but also focuses on how the students improve their skill and practice directly in four-language skills.
            Before applying CLT in learning process, the teacher should comprehend what CLT is.
Based on Savignon (2002: 7) Communicative language teaching (CLT) refers to both processes and goals in classroom learning. Here, teachers should focus not only on the students’ result, but also the teacher should consider the process how the student achieve the goal of learning process such as by doing discussion, pair work, etc. By this method, the students’ role is more important and the learning process can be student-centered.

CLT in Practice
            It is not easy to apply CLT, because this method consists of four-language skills, so it means that all activities done by teachers should contain all aspects of four-language skills. In his paper “Communicative Language Teaching Today”, Richard states some class activities in CLT, such as task-comletion activities, information gathering activities, opinion-sharing activities, information-transfer activities, reasoning-gaps activities and role play.
            From all activities, role play is considered the most interesting activities. Based on Whitebread (2008) role play is play a part (either their own or somebody else’s) in a specific situation. It becomes interesting, because it contains writing (writing a script), reading (memorizing the script), speaking (delivering the dialogue), and listening (get and understand the point of what other character say). Finally, role play is one of a whole gamut of communicative technique which develop fluency in language students, which promotes interaction in the classroom and which increases motivation (Whitebread; 2008).
            Role play is one of the techniques which emphasize the student to be more active in the learning process. From the explanation above, we can conclude that by using CLT method, the students will be easy to get the learning goal and they can improve more their basic skill in the class. In this method, teachers only facilitate the communication process among the learners in the classroom. It means, we can make the class more focus on student-centered.


Richard, Jack C & Theodore S. Rodgers. 2001. Approach and Methods in Language Teaching. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Whitebread, D., and Penny coltman. 2008. Teaching and Learning in The Early Years. Newyork: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group

            http://yalepress.yale.edu/yupbooks/pdf/0300091567.pdf (December 16th 2011)

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